Here’s another useful PowerShell snippet which I created when I built my PowerShell Exchange Connector for SCSM. The function itself will return the user object of the given e-mail address. If no user is found you also have to option to create the user object using the -CreateUser switch.
The function have the following parameters:
The e-mail address of the user who you want to retrieve
If this switch is enetered, the function will create a user object if no match is found in the CMDB
If you know the name of the user that you might create, you can specify the name of the object in this parameter
The script itself:
# This function will return the user object of the specified Email Address. If a matching user isn't found, the function can create an Internal user within the SCSM CMDB
# NOTE: SMlets must be loaded in order for the function to work
Function Get-UserByEmail {
param (
# Get all the classes and relationships
$UserPreferenceClass = Get-SCSMClass System.UserPreference$
$UserPrefRel = Get-SCSMRelationshipClass System.UserHasPreference$
$ADUser = Get-SCSMClass Microsoft.Ad.User$
# Check if the user exist
$SMTPObj = Get-SCSMObject -Class $UserPreferenceClass -Filter "DisplayName -like '*SMTP'" | ?{$_.TargetAddress -eq $EmailAddress}
If ($SMTPObj) {
# A matching user exist, return the object
# If, for some reason, several users are found, return the first one
If ($SMTPObj.Count -gt 1) {$SMTPObj = $SMTPObj[0]}
$RelObj = Get-SCSMRelationshipObject -TargetRelationship $UserPrefRel -TargetObject $SMTPObj
Return $AffectedUser = Get-scsmobject -Id ($RelObj.SourceObject).Get_Id()
} elseif ($CreateUser -and !$SMTPObj) {
# A matching user does NOT exist. Do some processing to get the needed properties for creating the user object
If (!$Name -or $Name -eq '') {
$Name = $EmailAddress.Substring(0,$EmailAddress.IndexOf("@"))
$UserName = $Name.Replace(",","")
$UserName = $UserName.Replace(" ","")
} else {
$Name = $Name
$UserName = $Name.Replace(",","")
$UserName = $UserName.Replace(" ","")
# Try Username to make sure we have a unique username
$Loop = $TRUE
$i = 1
While ($Loop -eq $TRUE) {
$tempUser = Get-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass System.Domain.User$) -Filter "UserName -eq $UserName"
If ($tempUser) {
$UserName = $UserName + $i
$i = $i +1
} elseif ($i -gt 15) {
Throw "Unable to find a unique username for the new user"
} else {
$Loop = $False
# Create the Property Hash for the new user object
$PropertyHash = @{"DisplayName" = $Name;
"Domain" = "SMINTERNAL";
"UserName" = $UserName;
# Create the actual user object
$AffectedUser = New-SCSMObject -Class (Get-SCSMClass System.Domain.User$) -PropertyHashtable $PropertyHash -PassThru
# Add the SMTP notification address to the created user object
If ($AffectedUser) {
$NewGUID = ([guid]::NewGuid()).ToString()
$DisplayName = $EmailAddress + "_SMTP"
$Projection = @{__CLASS = "System.Domain.User";
__SEED = $AffectedUser;
Notification = @{__CLASS = "System.Notification.Endpoint";
__OBJECT = @{Id = $NewGUID;
DisplayName = $DisplayName;
ChannelName = "SMTP";
TargetAddress = $EmailAddress;
Description = $EmailAddress;
New-SCSMObjectProjection -Type "System.User.Preferences.Projection" -Projection $Projection
# Return the created user object
Return $AffectedUser
Using the function to retrieve a user:

Using the -CreateUser switch:

You can also download the whole script as a file here: Get-UserByEmail