Archive for: ‘March 2015’

How to run Active Directory cmdlets in Orchestrator .Net Activity

March 13, 2015 Posted by Alexander Axberg

As you might have noticed, Orchestrator can be a bit grumpy when it comes to running Powershell scripts. Some cmdlets will simply not load in a .Net Script Activity.
Running scripts in a .Net Script Activity is really nice, because we have the possibility to publish variables in the script directly to the data bus.
A way around this could be to run scripts remotely on another server or add: Powershell{ /script\ } around your script, but in both cases we loose the possibility to publish all variables to the data bus.


The Problem

Orchestrator runs all powershell scripts in powershell v2 and in 32-bit mode. We can simulate this by:

  1. Starting a Powershell (x86) console
  2. Loading version 2 by typing: powershell -version 2
  3. If we try to load the cmdlets: import-module activedirectory you will see it will fail to load with some strange errors


The Cause

Active Directory cmdlets are compiled using the .Net4 assemblies, and poweshell v2 will only load .Net2 by default.
You can verify this by typing: [Environment]::version in your powershell console. “Major” is the version of the currently loaded .Net assembly.
If you compare on a regular x64 powershell console, and in a x86 v2 console like the one we started in the section above, you will see the difference.


The Solution

Add the following REG_DWORD registry key on the Orchestrator server and set the value to 1, to make Powershell (x86) always load the latest .Net assemblies :


New TechNet Gallery contribution – Affected Items Custom Control

March 8, 2015 Posted by Anders Asp

I just posted a new contribution to the TechNet Gallery. This time it’s a custom control called Affected Items which you can add to any of your Work Item forms to get a consistent way of adding Affected Items. The control also makes the relationship Required, which means that the Analyst will have to add at least one CI to the control in order to save the WI. Here’s some screenshots of how it can look when added to the form.



Service Request




For more information and to download the custom control, please head over to the TechNet Gallery at