Archive for: ‘April 2012’

Error when opening a Knowledge Article from the SSP

April 23, 2012 Posted by Anders Asp

Are you getting this error message when trying to open Knowledge Articles from the SSP?

This can be resolved quite easy by editing the Web.config file that’s located in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\System Center Service Manager Portal\ContentHost on the server that’s hosting the SSP. At the bottom of this file there is line just like this:

<add key=”ContentHostAbsoluteUri” value=”https://SRV011:443/ContentHost” />

… and in order to get this to work, you will have to make sure that the servername is specified using the FQDN of the server, just like this:

<add key=”ContentHostAbsoluteUri” value=”” />

Edit the line and save the file, then restart your browser and it should be working properly. (Please note that SRV011 is the name of my labserver; your file will include the name of your server.)

It’s official!

April 17, 2012 Posted by Anders Asp

Exchange connector v 3 RC available

April 15, 2012 Posted by Anders Asp

Short blogpost!

The Exchange connector v 3 RC is now available for download!

This connector is working together with SCSM 2012 and adds a handful om new features:

New features include:

  • Support for impersonation so you can now have multiple Exchange connectors monitoring different mailboxes each with their own unique configuration
  • Each user in the To/CC of each email is added as a Related configuration item to the work item
  • Works with Office 365
  • The Exchange Web Service URL to connect to can be configured instead of relying on auto discovery
  • Works with service requests
  • Any kind of work item can be created from a template – incident, service request, etc.
  • Update problem records
  • Much more detailed logging
  • Detailed event log logging is turned off by default
  • The email itself can be optionally added as an attachment to the work item

Bear in mind that this connector won’t work together with SCSM 2010 and that it is a RC (Release Candidate). Note that the Exchange connector is not supported by Microsoft.

Error when refreshing an PowerPivot Report in Excel

April 5, 2012 Posted by Stefan Allansson

In SCSM 2012 we can open an OLAP Cube in Excel and create a report by using PowerPivot. If you have the report open in Excel you can refresh the report to see updated data by right click on the report and choose Refresh. Another alternative is to refresh the report everytime you open the report by chosing Data\Properties\Refresh data when opening the file:


This worked as expected for me until I tried to do this as a regular helpdesk user instead of the SCSM admin account. I got an error that said the user does not have access to the DWASDataBase database, or the database does not exist.

When clicking OK I got a new error message:

I found that there was two user roles in SQL Analysis Server when I opened it in SQL Server Management Studio. The user roles was SCDW_Administrators and SCDW_Report_Readers.

When I found that I was pretty sure that this should be solved if I put in my user in the SCDW_Report_Readers role. Unfortunately it didn´t. It worked if I put in the user in SCDW_Administrators but don´t want to give the user more rights than needed. So the solution that I come up with was to create a new role with the rights to read and put in my user in that role. See below which setting I used in the role:

After I created the new role and added my account I could refresh the report. I hope this can help you to if you have the same problem.

SCSM 2012 RTM downloads

April 3, 2012 Posted by Anders Asp

The last couple of days Microsoft have published a series of SCSM 2012 RTM files for download. The most important is ofcourse SCSM 2012 RTM itself which now is available on both TechNet and MVLS.

SCSM 2012

SCSM 2012 Technical Documentation

SCSM 2012 Component Add-Ons and Extensions (IT-GRC and Authoring Tool)

SCO 2012 integration pack for SC 2012 (including SCSM 2012)

Happy downloading!

Most Valuable Professional – MVP

April 1, 2012 Posted by Anders Asp

I got a great and encouraging e-mail in my inbox today! I’ve been awarded with the MVP title for my contributions in the “System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management” community! I’m really glad and honored to recieve the MVP award and this really encourages me to continue to share my thoughts and ideas.

A big thanks to everyone who’s supporting me in my work, and an extra big thanks to my lovely girlfriend Anna because she puts up with all the time I spend infront of the computer!

Best Regards
//Anders Asp