I guess most of you already seen this post on the official blog (if not, you should read it now!):
And the official workaround for this issue is described like this:
“The recommended workaround to address this issue yourself is to install System Center Service Manager 2012 RTM and then upgrade to SP1. If for any reason you are unable to do this, please reach out to support so that they can provide assistance.”
While this is a valid workaround, it doesn’t work in all cases. For instance, you are not able to install SCSM 2012 RTM on a Windows Server 2012 or SQL Server 2012… So if you would need to do so, you would need to contact Microsoft Support.
Now to the reason of this blogpost, I just wanted to inform you that I was forced to do so the other day and the good news about this is that there is a fix available (it’s actually a fixed installation .msi package) and that Microsoft won’t charge you for this support case as this is “seen as a problem in the software”.